Economic Liberations for Farmers
Our Story
Stanley's Coffee is born from a family tradition of endurance and humility that spans 5 generations of Blue Mountain Coffee Farmers. Born and bred on the same farm that provided for his father, and his father before him, Farmer Stanley rises at the crack of dawn to tend to the crops that yield the sweet, earthy flavor contained in this very bag of Stanley's Coffee. After 60 years of experience, Farmer Stanley, or Uncle Stanley as he is locally known, takes pride in the fruits of his labor, but reveres the harmony of nature— the Jamaican terrain, the tropical climate, and cool sea breeze, as the key ingredients for his prized crop.
Our 100% Jamaica Blue Mountain® Coffee is expertly harvested by local Jamaican farmer Stanley Shaw in cooperation with other local Jamaican farmers who have dedicated their lives to raising the worlds finest coffee bean.
Stanley's Coffee beans are grown under unique and the most favorable natural conditions found nowhere else in the world. Located on the highest point in the Caribbean, Farmer Stanley’s coffee farm reaps the benefits of altitude, hot tropical climate, and a sea breeze that is absorbed by the surrounding forest, cooling the crop giving it the grand flavor our clients can’t get enough of.

Economic Liberation for Farmers
Empowering Farmers, Enriching Palates: Taste the Freedom with Jamaica Blue Mountain® Coffee.
Our primary focus is supporting Jamaica Blue Mountain® coffee farmers, but we plan to expand our efforts to benefit farmers worldwide. We are committed to advancing economic liberation by providing resources, education, and assistance to individuals and businesses, enabling them to attain financial independence. Our mission is to create a more equitable and prosperous future for all the farmers we work with.